We study the interaction of acoustic fields with soft matter systems. For technological applications we use surface acoustic waves to excite acoustic forces in microfluidic systems for example to manipulate and sort cells and drops in microchannels, to control the size distribution of droplet emulsions or pump fluid in small systems.
Sorting of droplets by acoustic actuation
Fluorescence-Activated SAW-Actuated Cell and Droplet Sorting (FASAWACDS)
Schmid, L., Weitz, D. A., and Franke, T. (2014) Sorting drops and cells with acoustics: acoustic microfluidic fluorescence-activated cell sorter. Lab on a Chip , 14(19), pp. 3710-3718. (doi:10.1039/c4lc00588k)
Franke, T., Braunmüller, S., Schmid, L., Wixforth, A., and Weitz, D. A. (2010) Surface acoustic wave actuated cell sorting (SAWACS). Lab on a Chip , 10(6), pp. 789-794. (doi:10.1039/B915522H)
SAW Microchannel pump
Schmid, L., and Franke, T. (2014) Acoustic modulation of droplet size in a T-junction. Applied Physics Letters , 104(13), p. 133501. (doi:10.1063/1.4869536)
SAW Droplet Modulation
Schmid, L., and Franke, T. (2014) Acoustic modulation of droplet size in a T-junction. Applied Physics Letters , 104(13), p. 133501. (doi:10.1063/1.4869536)
Schmid, L., and Franke, T. (2013) SAW-controlled drop size for flow focusing. Lab on a Chip , 13(9), pp. 1691-1694. (doi:10.1039/C3LC41233D)
SAW-Actuated Circular Flow Chamber
Schmid, L., Wixforth, A., Weitz, D. A., and Franke, T. (2012) Novel surface acoustic wave (SAW)-driven closed PDMS flow chamber. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics , 12(1-4), pp. 229-235. (doi:10.1007/s10404-011-0867-5)
SAW particles
Skowronek, V., Rambach, R. W., and Franke, T. (2015) Surface acoustic wave controlled integrated band-pass filter. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 19(2), pp. 335-341. (doi:10.1007/s10404-015-1559-3) (Early Online Publication)
Beleke-Maxwell, K., Franke, T., Hoppe, R.H.W., and Linsenmann, C. (2015) Numerical simulation of surface acoustic wave actuated enantiomer separation by the finite element immersed boundary method. Computers & Fluids, 112, pp. 50-60. (doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2015.02.008)
Skowronek, V., Rambach, R. W., Schmid, L., Haase, K., and Franke, T. (2013) Particle deflection in a poly(dimethylsiloxane) microchannel using a propagating surface acoustic wave: size and frequency dependence. Analytical Chemistry, 85(20), pp. 9955-9959. (doi:10.1021/ac402607p)
Structured acoustic field
Rambach, R. W., Skowronek, V., and Franke, T. (2014) Localization and shaping of surface acoustic waves using PDMS posts and application for particle filtering and washing. RSC Advances, 4(105), pp. 60534-60542. (doi:10.1039/C4RA13002B)
Rambach, R., Scheck, C., Skowronek, V., Schmid, L., and Franke, T. (2013) Simple visualization of a microfluidic acoustic pump’s sound path. Lab on a Chip, Chips and Tips
Fluorescence-Activated SAW-Actuated Cell and Droplet Sorting (FASAWACDS)
Franke, T., Hoppe, R. H.W., Linsenmann, C., and Zeleke, K. (2013) Numerical simulation of surface acoustic wave actuated cell sorting. Central European Journal of Mathematics, 11(4), pp. 760-778. (doi:10.2478/s11533-012-0165-9)
SAW directed droplet flow
Franke, T., Abate, A. R., Weitz, D. A., and Wixforth, A. (2009) Surface acoustic wave (SAW) directed droplet flow in microfluidics for PDMS devices. Lab on a Chip, 9(18), pp. 2625-2627. (doi:10.1039/B906819H)
Franke, T., Schmid, L., Weitz, D. A., and Wixforth, A. (2009) Magneto-mechanical mixing and manipulation of picoliter volumes in vesicles. Lab on a Chip, 9(19), pp. 2831-2835. (doi:10.1039/b906569p)
Franke, T. A., and Wixforth, A. (2008) Microfluidics for miniaturized laboratories on a chip. ChemPhysChem, 9(15), pp. 2140-2156. (doi:10.1002/cphc.200800349)
Franke, T., and Wixforth, A. (2007) Das Labor auf dem Chip: Mikrofluidik. Physik in unserer Zeit, 38(2), pp. 88-94. (doi:10.1002/piuz.200601126)
Thalhammer, S., von Guttenberg, Z., Koehler, U., Zink, A., Heckl, W., Franke, T., Paretzke, H., and Wixforth, A. (2007) Programmierbares, zytogenetisches Submikroliter Chiplabor für molecular-diagnostische Anwendungen. GenomXPress, 2007(1), pp. 29-31.
Book sections
Ding, X. et al. (2015) Lab-on-a-chip technologies enabled by surface acoustic waves. In: Laurell, T. and Lenshof, A. (eds.) Microscale Acoustofluidics. Royal Society of Chemistry : Cambridge, pp. 354-398. ISBN 9781849736718 (doi:10.1039/9781849737067-00354)
Franke, T., Frommelt, T., Schmid, L., Braunmüller, S., Huang, T. J., and Wixforth, A. (2015) Surface acoustic wave based microfluidics and droplet applications. In: Laurell, T. and Lenshof, A. (eds.) Microscale Acoustofluidics. Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge, pp. 399-419. ISBN 9781849736718 (doi:10.1039/9781849737067-00399)
Franke, T., Hoppe, R. H. W., Linsenmann, C., Schmid, L., and Wixforth, A. (2014) Optimal control of surface acoustic wave actuated sorting of biological cells. In: Leugering, G., Benner, P., Engell, S., Griewank, A., Harbrecht, H., Hinze, M., Rannacher, R. and Ulbrich, S. (eds.) Trends in PDE Constrained Optimization. Series: International Series of Numerical Mathematics, 165 (165). Springer International Publishing, pp. 505-519. ISBN 9783319050829 (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-05083-6_32)